Action Can

Action Can manufacture a range of 60 industrial products including industrial aerosols and lubricants in convenient aerosol form.
The range covers all popular products for the industrial market, including AC-90 Multipurpose Lubricant.
60+ Premium Grade Products Available
The Action Can range has been developed by working closely with experienced industry professionals from sourcing the raw materials to packaging design. All of the industrial aerosols range is tested extensively, trialled and evaluated in the workplace prior to its final formulation approval and production.
Action Can customers know and trust the performance and reliability of our products. Attention to detail and an obsession with ultimate product quality have earned our products the reputation as the choice of the professional. The range is constantly being extended as we react to the demands of the many industries we serve. Action Can customers know what they are looking for and are rightly demanding when it comes to product performance and we continually deliver to meet and exceed these expectations.
Action Can distributors can confidently recommend the range in the knowledge that the products will exceed their customers’ expectation. As a distributor to supply an industry leading product and deliver the most cost effective solution is very important, our distributors prove to their customers that they are working to bring them the best at a very competitive price.