SAP Report? We’ll sort it ASAP.
A buildings energy rating has never been more important, so it helps to have our experts assist with your projects Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP).
Build Aviator’s SAP service ensures your build is designed to meet the Government’s method for measuring energy rating in residential buildings. To make sure you comply with Part L1A of Building Regulations, Build Aviator will have your SAP Assessment ready to submit before you start building.
Upload your plans and we’ll provide you with a list of required products which are locally available to you, so you can get them quickly and get on with the job in-hand. We’ll also provide estimated calculations of your buildings CO2 emissions, along with likely energy costs for space, water heating and lighting. Simply upload your plans to get started.

Alternatively, if you would like to discuss the service with a member of our team please call 028 9024 3661.