How To Lay Paving

02 March 2022

JP Corrys DIY guide to laying a patio slabs and paving to your garden project.

Paving can be a great way to add a practical, low-maintenance space for relaxation and entertaining in your garden, check out our latest range of Kilsaran paving , AG paving and Surfscape paving. 

Now that you have decided on the layout of your patio area, we have put together a handy guide to help you get started with your new DIY project - laying your own patio.


  • Preparation of the base is very important when it comes to achieving a level even finish to your paved area. The laying course is normally natural clean sharp gritty sand, laid moist in a 30-50mm layer and screeded off to correct levels. We recommend the use of a pre-mixed bedding mix such as the Lafarge Mortar. 

  • Starting with a full flag against a fixed point like a wall, lay the flags evenly using a spirit level and a paviour maul. 

  • As you continue to lay the flags using a spirit level, regularly check the levels across a number of flags making sure to allow for a gentle slope away from the house

  • In order to achieve an even blend of colour, we recommend working equally from a minimum of three packs laying evenly from each

  • There are a few options when it comes to jointing paving flags - you can simply sweep jointing sand into the joints using Jointing Sand which is perfect for this.

  • Finally sealing is a great way to protect your investment and is highly recommended for all Kilsaran paving products. *

Laying paving is not always simple and straightforward so you should consult all sources of advice when investigating your project to ensure you have all the facts and information before approaching the task. 

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